2016年12月25日 星期日

My Love~~

I love this picture.
When I opened the red envelope, took out the Christmas card, the first eyesight of mine…I love this picture.

I remember that I have told you, I always admire when I see elder people holding hands walking on the street…I hope, one day, there will be a man I love and he loves me too holding my hand, walking by my side…We will be together like that way, to support, to accompany each other until we are really, really old…until I leave this world.
I think I have found the man…
You are that one.
I am surprised and happy that you picked this card.
I love this picture.

I love your words.
I read several times your words, I am touched, even tears in my eyes.
Thank you for those words. You know that I do fear at times? I am afraid if I love you too much…I am afraid if I disappointed you one day, so you don’t love me anymore…I am afraid that life full of unknown and not sure if I have the ability and wisdom to deal with, to handle it…
But, your words encouraged me to face our future and do have faith in us.

It is Christmas today, I am so grateful. Thank God for giving me so much, for bring you to me.
I remember that first dinner we had at the restaurant “Tequila Sunrise” in 2012, we shared our wish (it’s December, close to new year)…I said, I wish I could find my Mr. Right…
I made the wish at the restaurant, that’s why I got to get back the restaurant in our anniversary, it’s like to finish a ritual, then to start a new chapter…I know, I am a little bit silly.

My love, may you be healthy, be happy.

Merry Christmas.

2016年12月22日 星期四

Will you miss me?



2016年11月13日 星期日


誠品 ● 敦南 ● 地下一樓
我在這裡  駐足  凝望

我在這裡  駐足  凝望
我在記憶中搜尋你童稚的笑語  還有你

2016年8月16日 星期二

Fears Inside


I don’t believe that fairy tales would be happened in a realistic world, but it’s funny, or I should say it is sarcastic, I’ve been expecting subconsciously that a fairy tale will appear in my life…
Is our story a fairy tale?


There are usually two voices in my head. One of them told me, “This man is the one for you, you should spend the rest of your life to be with him”. Usually, this voice conduct my mind, I following this voice most of the time.
But, another one voice always knew how to grab a chance, take any advantage to against. Such as, “You have been single for more than 15 years, didn’t rely on a man…Are you sure that you are going to leave your mom, to give up all of you have here because of him? Is he worth it?” Or voice like, “You already have taken an adventure because of love once, are you serious considering to take a risk one more time? You are not young any more, cannot afford loss.”…
These two voices fight frequently in my head, my mind struggling at times, so I retreated at times…


You must know, there will be lots of things we need to go through and many problems we need to solve together if we decided to be together.
I am wondering if you did any search to learn what we should do so I could stay in the US a long term?
Have you searched how “work visa” works as you told me that you were going to figure out?
Are you looking for the day I can live with you?


You often said, you are afraid that I would not love you when I get to know you very well, or said words like, you are curious about why I put up with you…
But do you know that I have the same fears? What if one day you no longer tolerate my stubbornness? Or you eventually figure out that you dislike some of my personalities which causes you don’t love me anymore?
Also, I am very sensitive, sometimes even suspicious a little bit…and, if I get suspicious on something, I am used to analyze the matter, the situation, the issue…I got to say, I am good at analysis.
Can you adjust that?


One thing I thought about it often is, you are really a Sunshine boy, you enjoy sunshine, enjoy outdoors, but, I am afraid of sunshine, I cannot have a lot of sunlight. Sunlight can cause me in troubles of health…I might not be able to join your many outdoors, can you accept that kind of me?


Keep distance from people makes me feel safer; I am afraid to give my promise; it makes me insecure when loving someone; being alone usually makes me feel comfortable and peaceful…
To be honest, I am not brave to face love. I am scared of failure.
I know my weak part, I use a cold and detached appearance as an armor to protect myself…Yes, it is just like you said, I built walls…
Would I being alone until die?
I hate this thought! This thought fears me…


Is our story a Fairy Tale?
No, I don’t think so.

I would rather to believe, it is a Destiny.

2016年7月22日 星期五

It's over...

I didn’t mean to book a hotel where is so close to the hotel we have stayed years ago.
When the taxi driver pulled over his car to the side of the road and stopped at the Penta Hotel, I found this hotel I am going to stay in the next five days is located just right next to “New World Shanghai Hotel”…It is a complete coincidence.
I did think about you, think about us…but they were just like thoughts crossed my mind, not much feelings honestly. It is like to recall a memory which was long time ago, to recall a memory about an old friend…That’s all.
I guess, I already have got rid of you, step out of the shadow and sadness you have given me.
I want to tell you that I am fine, I am doing great, I am already moving on. I have my new life, and, there is a guy takes up space of my heart…

I hope you are doing well, and stay health. 
May God bless you.

2016年7月12日 星期二

Love & Forever

你問我,能否全心全意愛你?guarantee forever就像我問你的那樣?我想,你我都無法guarantee forever,但我相信在真心誠意許諾的時候,我們都衷心期許那會是forever。。。

There were so many times, I thought our relationship could not work out, I even thought about to quit…but, every time you pulled me back to you, just like pulled me back from the edge of a cliff. And, it is strange, my heart was even closer to you when each time you pulled me back…
My dear, you asked me, can I guarantee the same thing which I asked you? To love you with whole heart forever…
I think, either one of us cannot guarantee forever, but I do believe when we sincerely give words to each other, we all wish, it will be forever. That is the meaning of “forever” to me.
And dear, I do serious considering to be with you, to live with you in your city. I even considered that I should make a plan so we will learn what processes we need to proceed.
If I don’t care about you so much, if I don’t love you much enough, you think I would leave my mom, my friends, my job, the everything I familiar here, then fly to a total different world where is so far away from where my root is, just because of you…
Surely I do have questions on my mind at the same time…
What if you found that you don’t love me just in a short term, what should I do then? What if someone gave me grief just because he/she doesn’t like Asians, how would you protect me? What if your mom or some friends despised me for some reason, what would you do to defend for me? …
So many “unknowns”, so much stuff “unsure”, but still, I want to be with you, my mind has not changed.
So now you tell me, if I love you?

My dear, I hope, it is worth it to love you.

2016年6月12日 星期日

親愛的你/ My dear you...


Through my cellphone screen, I saw you were so concentrating on making a quilt for me. My dear you, I was really touched.

We all realize and agree that “time” is valuable for individuals, so I believe, if there is a man who is willing to spend his valued time, give a lot of care because of you, he must take you as very serious thing, you must mean something to him.
I saw a tough, big man was on his knees and bent over for making me a quilt…I think this man should be lovable, he deserves my love, right?

Just, when I thought about, he consented to make quilts for his other good female friends as well, so maybe, I am merely one of his very good friends?

2016年4月16日 星期六

A fairy tale

Once up a time, there was a prince. He was so gorgeous, smart and sweet so everyone loved him when he was a child.

As time went by, the prince has grown into a brilliant and handsome young man. He had not only the good looking, but also full of vigor. His smile was just like the golden sunshine spreads on a vast field. He shared happiness and positive energy to the people around him. Then, he became a King.

As a King, he owned more power, he made a lot of wise decisions for his people, people so adored and relied on him more and more…...
Gradually, the King was changing.

He became arrogant, bad temper and impatient, people starting dislike him, dreaded of him, then kept away from him.
Then one day, when the King woke up……He found that there was a strange and old man’s face when he looked into the mirror……
It was him! But, this wasn't the worst part. The worst part was, he could feel that he was losing his energy day by day.
The King was shocked! He didn’t know what to do…until one night he dreamed of Fate.

The god of fate told him, he should be punished for his bad behavior, so she gave him spell. The King had to achieve two tasks to decipher the curse.
First, he needed to learn being humble.
Second, he had to seek a woman who is the special someone loves to see the light in his eyes…This woman’s kiss would save him from the curse.

After many years and had several times of failure about looking for the woman, the King made it eventually.
BUT! Thing was completely different with his thought.
He didn’t know what to do again…He prayed to Fate and dreamed of Fate that night.

The god of fate asked him “Have you found the woman who is your special someone yet?”
The King said “Yes, but…I think there should be a mistake…”
Fate said nothing but showed him with a curious face.
The King answered “This woman is a VAMPIRE! I can’t ask for kisses from a vampire.”
Fate responded “Why not?”
The god of fate continued…”No pain, no gain. It is an arduous mission I understand. However, if you could convert this vampire woman to be a normal human, I am going to give you a special present. You will always look like a young man when you look into mirror even you are 100 years old. In that way, you will feel young and happy, which will make you always being energetic, hopeful and positive.”
The King asked “How do I make it?”
Fate smiled and said “You will figure out how to make it by your own”.

Then the King woke up and realized something suddenly…

The Key was “LOVE”

2016年3月14日 星期一

一個人/ Alone


The food court at Eslite book store...

It's dinner time, almost of seats were occupied.
I found a seat for myself eventually. But...
I was alone. I ensured the seat would be occupied after I went to order my meal, so I asked for a favor to a guy next to the seat.
"...cuz I am alone...", I said, it's the reason, and it's the truth too.
He smiled, and kindly helped me...with his family.
Then, once again, same thing occurred when I got to get the meal I ordered.
This time, I asked for a help to the two young girls who seated in front of me.
Same words came out of my mouth..."...cuz I am alone..."

Is it my destiny to be alone in the rest of my life?

Can I have other options?

2016年3月12日 星期六

The first article, after so many years.....


It's been a Long Time that I have not written something.
No time, No mood...
Now, I got time. I should organize all of my chaotic thoughts, clean the mess of my life.
It is the time, I got to face myself...